University of Neuchâtel
18 and 19 April 2024

- What? The 24th Annual Conference of the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM)
- When? 17, 18 and 19 April 2024
- Where? University of Neuchâtel. The entire conference will take place in the main building of the University of Neuchâtel, Avenue du 1er mars 26, 2000 Neuchâtel, 2nd floor.
- Who are they for? Communication and media researchers and practitioners
- Who is organising? Academy of Journalism and Media (University of Neuchâtel)
- What else ? Anniversary event for the 50th anniversary of the SACM!
Sustainability and resilience in communication and the media
Journalism, the media and communication are facing major challenges. Political, societal, environmental, international and economic crises, as well as the emergence of disruptive technologies and the proliferation of distribution platforms are profoundly disrupting how they operate. The field of communication and media is adapting to these major changes, while also making them more visible. The call for papers of the 2024 SACM Annual Conference invites researchers and practitioners to examine these upheavals together, as well as the responses by those involved in communication and the media, and the new models that are taking shape. What types of resilience are being deployed by communication and media practitioners and researchers within the current context? And what sustainable solutions are they devising in their respective fields and activities?
Opening Keynotes
Thursday, 18 April : Erik Neveu
Some challenges of the new communicational (dis)order. Resisting myths and panics, Réinventing regulations

Erik NEVEU is emeritus professor of political science at Sciences Po Rennes (France). He teached in journalism schools both in Rennes and Neuchâtel. His research topics have varied more than it is usual during his professional life, from Cultural studies to the sociology of social problems and social movements (these last issues giving him the opportunity to publish with Swiss colleagues : Globalizing Issues – Palgrave, 2021 with Muriel Surdez, Eds, from Freiburg University and « Activists Forever ! » (Cambridge University Press, 2019 – with Olivier Fillieule from Lausanne University). But a significant share of his research has been focused on a reflection on the promises and threats of « La société de communication » (LGDJ, 6th edition, 2020), on the public sphere, media and journalism : « Political Journalism, New Challenges, New Practices » – Routledge 2002, with Raymond Kunh, Eds – and « Bourdieu and the journalistic field » – with Rod Benson, Eds, Polity 2005.
Friday, 19 April : Anna Jobin
When media comes to matter

Anna JOBIN is a Senior Researcher and Lecturer at the University of Fribourg, as well as an Affiliated Researcher at the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) in Berlin. Her research explores the nexus between digital technology and society, with a primary focus on the social and ethical dimensions of AI and algorithmic systems. It has been published in Nature Machine Intelligence, Social Media & Society, and AI & Society. Anna Jobin has been co-editing a special issue on AI controversies for Big Data & Societyalongside Noortje Marres, Christian Katzenbach, and Anders Munk. She is a board member of the Swiss STS association and an inaugural member of the Swiss Young Academy. In addition, she bridges academia and policy as president of the extra-parliamentary Swiss Federal Media Commission.
Photo © Pierre-Yves Massot
- 18:00-20:00 Get together, Unine, 2nd Floor, Room D59
Thursday, April 18 th

- 08:00 Registration and Welcome Coffee
- 09:00 Welcome Speech
- 09:20 Keynote “Some Challenges of the New Communicational (dis)order. Resisting Myths and Panics, Reinventing Regulations”, Erik Neveu (Sciences Po Rennes)
- 10:30 Panels and Paper sessions
- 12:00 Lunch
- 13:30 Panel and Paper sessions
- 15:30 Panel “Special 50th Anniversary”
- 17:00 SACM General Meeting with the presentation of the SACM Dissertation Prize and the Best Paper Award in the journal SComS. To find out more about the awards, click here:
- SACM 50th Anniversary Evening Event Hôtel du Peyrou, Neuchâtel
Friday, April 19 th
- 08:00 Registration and Welcome Coffee
- 09:00 Keynote “When Media Comes to Matter”, Anna Jobin (University of Fribourg)
- 10:00 Science meets Practice and Paper Sessions
- 11:30 Meeting of the SACM / SGKM Sections
- 12:30 Lunch
- 13:45 Paper and Science meets Practice Sessions
- 15:15 Best Presentation Award. The Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM) rewards outstanding scientific research by offering a Best Presentation Award for a contribution to the annual SACM conference, awarded by the Ulrich Saxer Foundation. At each annual conference, a jury is appointed which bases its decision on the reviews of the submitted abstracts and additionally evaluates the actual presentations. A winner is then selected by combining the review results and the presentation evaluation. The award is endowed with 500 CHF per presentation. Regulations (in German)
- 15:40 Closing Remarks and Farewell
Event registration
- When? Event registrations will be open from January 2024 to 8 April 2024
Where? On the Fourwaves conference platform
Who can apply? All those selected to present a paper at the end of the selection process, as well as anyone wishing to attend the event without presenting a paper, must register. - Registration fees :
- Individual doctoral student and student registration: CHF 100
- Individual registration for SACM members: CHF 140
- Individual registration for non-members of the SGKM: CHF 180
- 50th anniversary dinner (Thursday evening): CHF 70 / CHF 40 for PhD students
Practical information
How to get to the conference
- Address: University of Neuchâtel, Avenue du 1er-Mars 26 2000 Neuchâtel, 2nd floor of the main building (bâtiment principal)
- Getting to Neuchâtel: by train, by car, by bike… all itineraries here
- Accomodation:
- We have pre-booked accommodation in hotels and youth hostels. Please specify when booking that you are coming for the SGKM conference :
- Neuchâtel tourist office booking site.
- You can also find all accommodation in and around Neuchâtel here:
- 50th anniversary event: Thursday evening, April 18, at the Hôtel du Peyrou, Neuchâtel.
Contact and information
- Mail:
- Submission and registration platform:
- Social networks : The conference will be covered on social networks by AJM students :
- #SGKM2024 and @SGKM2024: for the latest information on the conference
- Let’s talk and keep in touch! During the conference and after, create connections with participants here: https://event.fourwaves. com/sgkm2024/participants
Scientific committee
- Andreas Fahr, Professor, University of Fribourg
- Alexandra Feddersen, Professor, University of Fribourg
- Thomas Friemel, Professor, University of Zurich
- Sara Greco, Professor, Università della Svizzera Italiana
- Diana Ingenhoff, Professor, University of Fribourg
- Guido Keel, Professor, Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
- Martial Pasquier, Professor, Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration (IDHEAP)
- Colin Porlezza, Professor, Università della Svizzera Italiana
- Manuel Puppis, Professor, University of Fribourg
- Linards Udris, Senior Research and Teaching Associate, University of Zurich
- François Vallotton, Professor, University of Lausanne
- Tommaso Venturini, Professor, CNRS Centre for Internet & Society
- Thilo Von Pape, Professor, University of Fribourg
Organising Committee

Annik Dubied
Full Professor, Head of the AJM

Nathalie Pignard-Cheynel
Full professor
11 December 2023 | Deadline for submissions (5pm) on FourWaves |
31 January 2024 | Decision and feedback to authors |
February 2024 | Detailed conference programme |
8 April 2024 | Registration deadline for the Conference on FourWaves |
17 April 2024 | Get together |
18 April 2024 (evening) | SACM 50th anniversary event, Hôtel du Peyrou, Neuchâtel |
18/19 April 2024 | Annual Conference in Neuchâtel, main building, Av. du 1er Mars 26 |
15 March – 15 May 2024 | ![]() Journalistory exhibition at UniNE, main building, Av. du 1er Mars 26 |
Call for papers
Download the call for papers:
The Academy of Journalism and Media (AJM) would like to warmly thank the organisations that have provided us with support to host the SCCM annual conference: BNJ Group, ESH Group, Fondation Liliane, Rosalie et Robert Jordi pour le journalisme, Media Suisse, RTS, Saint-Paul Group, Schweizer Medien, Société des Alumni de l’Unine, Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research (SACM/SGKM), University of Neuchâtel and its Faculty of Economics and Business (FSE/UniNE).
The SACM’s fiftieth anniversary conference will as far as possible favour materials and procedures that “promote solidarity and respect the environment”, in line with
the policy of the 2024 host institution, the University of Neuchâtel.

Everything you need to know about the Swiss Association of Communication and Media Research.
AJM / UniNE ↗
Website of the Academy of Journalism and Media at the University of Neuchâtel.
Fourwaves ↗
Register, submit a proposal and find out more about the programme.